
Winter Work(s) !. Pt. 5: That "Looks" Like A Brain ?? :/ .

This is like a puzzle 2 me, being creative and creating. finding the right pieces, and its up 2 me the place them where they need be, in order 2 "fit". Thats just how I look at things, I guess. .. and with painting its no different. As you can see from the dates I worked on this, its about finding the "right" pieces, I doodle out the "flow (thats the name i came up with, 4 this idea and object. only because i was sick of tryin 2 explain what it was and meant, with out gettin 2 deep, 2 those who would get lost?!.)".. .. *FULL explanation on it later*. .. but after i was done with the doodle, some would say "Oh that looks like a brain." granted it dose, but. not likely, and with out knowing the mind it free 2 wonder! :D.. .

But jus picture a stressful time in your everyday, where you feel like your mind, ideas, thoughts, wants and needs are just making you feel like you cant deal. and "everything" is weighting down on you, and your mind. Thats what i want YOU the viewer 2 take from this piece, that no matter how much you let the pressures of life get to you. Your solution is already "Layed Out Beside" you?. You just gotta go with the natural "flow" of things.

P.S. I give myself the chilly willys sometimes! :D :P :B

Titled: "Layed Out Beside Me"

MORE: Winter Work(s) !. Pt. 1: Paintings 4 Gifts.!!, Winter Work(s) !. Pt. 2: Exchange.. .Art 4 Art !., Winter Work(s) !. Pt. 3: It Just Come Out That Way!?, Winter Work(s) !. Pt. 4: Fly Away Alonely !. .