
Winter Work(s) !. Pt. 2: Exchange.. .Art 4 Art !.

The last 3 months of the year "08" i got this unsettling hungry 2 paint or 2 just be in "my work" environment. with everything i needed at my finger tips, at this point i found myself lost.. . "found myself lost.. .kinda odd funny when you re-say it and think on it?!". .. lost from time, date, interaction with others.. .and all that is find by me. "but not lost from FOOD :p" and i intend 2 continue feeding this hunger, into the rest of 09' & 2 do as i wish. in begin lost.. . i will post more of my outcomes. witch i should have done and done the right way, so you can see the progress.. .

but with this piece, its more of an exchange.. .art 4 art.. .and it kinda made its self into a xmas gift "??? who would have known.".. .titled seconds before the brown paper was carefully peeled away from the canvas wood.. . as the title hit me, it left.. .

Titled.. ."It Escapes Me." merry xmas.. . casino.

MORE: Winter Work(s) !. Pt. 1: Paintings 4 Gifts.!!