
CLASSIC MATERIAL: d33zilla Wallpapers 1st & 2nd Sets

more "OLD" work but, these are CLASSIC images in the "world" of d33zilla (HA world, more so the roots, i build off of) . . . i really jus wanted 2 show a bit, of what i CAN do, some of my skill, & most importantly, i wanted 2 give, give, GIVE...! FREE wallpapers 4 ur home & work desktops, myspace whatever, and even ur cell phone background...! ive put sooooo much time into these, just 4 FUN, 2 get d33zilla "out there" (where ever out there is...) really out to the masses (meaning U) !!!

DOWNLOAD: 1 by 1 in 3 different sizes (really 4 i think)

1st Set

2nd Set