
Windows Mobile 6.1 ICONS .!. .

Begin impressed by Window Mobile 6.1, i wanted 2 have some of that magic on my Shadow . .. sooo i study the vids and the press coverage alil, so i start 2 think "hey that would be cool if i could have those Icons on my Shadow" . . .

so i made them . . . then posted them in the AllShadow.com forum under Hacks & Modifications, and the feedback as been GREAT!

and at the request of ShadowMike i made 3 more. . . one 4 Phone Notifications, MyFaves, and a Neo Dockstation, and those (if i say sooo my self are "MyFaves" more so Phone Notifications )
& they come in black as well . . .

DOWNLOAD: WM_6.1_wht_icons, WM_6.1_blk_icons, & WM_6.1_3_NEW_icons

MORE INFO: Windows Mobile 6.1 ICONS .!