
Poolga = iPhone & iPod Touch..?!

Great art on the go, if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch, this is a great resource for wallpapers for your gadgets! but if you have PS (Photoshop) you can fit them on just about any gadget you have (like i did 4 my Shadow. .. no screen shots tho :/ ) there are wallpapers from a sloe of talented artist i've never heard or seen b4 now .. . (THATS ALWAYS A GREAT THING!) the wallpaper above is from Eika called Kriall

"When I started doing the Desktop Wallpaper Project, I made the iPhone and PSP versions because I knew that I wanted to carry around these awesome images as well. But the DWP only comes out once a week, so if you’re ever in need of more backgrounds for your iPhone, head over to the folks at Poolga." ~from Kitsune Noir