BUT then . . .
there are other times where we get cuaght up in the "EEVERYDAYY of every sec" not 2 share, then u start 2 feel left out on your own moments (and thats NO FUN) soooooo with that said and out the way I indeed feel that saaaame way! haven't posted anything since the 25th of march! (life goes on, RIGHT?!) but its not like i life has not been keepin my days and urs "busy" . . .
sooo heres a rundown:
(thinkin . . . . . .)
my younger cuzin came up from VA, haven't seen her in like 8yrs? she has since left 2 go back home, (that was a good visit, they grow up sooooooooo FASSST) well really she really didnt come up just 2 see me?! but 2 celebrate her older sisters (still my younger cuzin) 21st B-Day! That was a FUN time! even the afterAFTER party . . . . i just wasn't done celebrating her B-Day, so we took it else where . . NO she didnt roll . . .
But the next morning was Easter! CHURCH.
Well days later, in the mail i got my NEW Phone!!!
and it hasn't left my hands yet! Shouts 2 AllShadow.com and ShadowMike in the forums !!!
then i spent my Saturday night & Sunday morning in the ER . . . not me but AntiWake, he had 2 get rid of the demons in his belly !!!
Moe Snacks. . .