Do 2 the fact that the show has been licensed (could that mean it heading overseas, meaning, HERE!??) But its no longer available on the site they even took it down from there index of titles ! i was bummed about this news (I REALLY WAS !) i told my cuz about this, & he goes "ill go back 2 the old days, of Bit Torrent" but i have no clue HOW it works, but im sure its easy (im hook on Azureus myself ;) ) but hey this is the WORLD WIDE WEB right??? u can find ANY & EVERYTHING! soooooo look what i got my hands on??
Episode 53 & 54 !!! (sad thing is i dont even remember lookin at 51 or 52, but HEY!) theres a host of folks posting the episodes up, just take it easy out there b4 "THE MAN" gets wind of it, and shuts us ALL down!? haha . . .
Episode 54:
Unfortunately there’ll no Shippuden episodes next week :/ & the next episode (55) “Wind” will be available on the 17th April. . . another lame 2 weeks wait.?!