
"Everything In Its Right Place" ...

Monday night i found myself in a deep sharing conversation, with a dear friend who holds weight of begin my sister from another. .. and in this convo it was more of what and how she THOUGHT my reaction would be on, givin the topic of the "my" pass, that has been abit unsettling 2 her and others.. . i explained the reasoning behind my reaction, because she could have very well sheared this with me 5 months earlier and she would have gotten the reaction she had in mind. one of sadness, angry, discontent, rage, self pity, grief, more heartbreak, sorrow, bitterness, outraged, & hatefulness.

& what it really boils down 2 is growth. Mental growth, spiritual growth, physical growth, & personal growth.

She heard, felt, and "saw" that growth in me. Ive worked & prayed sooooooooooooooooo dam hard on me, that im SO far gone & DIFFerent from those harmful words above, i should and could very well have lived up 2 those words but i knew what had 2 be done 4 myself. & she respected it, 2 open up & share more of the pass events. .. and while talkin all i could see in the front of my mnid was a this Giiiiiiant Red Octopus from the deep, reaching out for the takin of life and just simply holding it NEVER letting go.. . "THAT will be on canvas sooooooooooon"

lettin alllllllllllllllllllllll that was spoken on the marinate but NOT soke up . and realizing 2day alllllll day after playing this song that. .. .

"Everything In Its Right Place"

Kid A, Kid A, Kid A, Kid A
Everything, everything, everything, everything..
In its right place
In its right place
In its right place
Right place

Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon
Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon
Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon
Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon

Everything, everything, everything..
In its right place
In its right place
Right place

There are two colours in my head
There are two colours in my head
What is that you tried to say?
What was that you tried to say?
Tried to say.. tried to say..
Tried to say.. tried to say..


i feel content with me and my.