
Nike ACG Foam Blazer Boot.. .??? !.

?? You ask wha.. .?? well begin that it snowed last week, and I dont believe in boots?!! "just dont like them!" ive been using for the past 4,5 winters my old blue Foams as my boots. .. hehe, and they kinda make a GREAT "boot" ?! there just cool 4 the snow till ya bust that ass"OUCH!" oh p.s I LOVE FOAMPOSITES.

SO this yr somebody over at Nike thought it would be a GRRREAT idea 2 make the Foamposite into a boot.. . witch SOUNDS great in theory. BUT the outcome in my opinion is an ABOMINATION!!. :/

BUT begin the sneakerhead that i am.. . I saw this dude rock them.. . & they didnt loook that bad after awhile.. ..??? then i started 2 kinda "very lil" dig them?!?! .. "still think UGGGHH tho". sooo this week, monday, i pick up the Nike ACG Blazer Boot. .. when i saw them, MUST have.. .& i dont like boots! AT ALL. but they feel good, kinda like a heavy sneaker! ha.. . but then I started 2 think.. ..

how bout combine "my FAV sneaker of alll time" with my new fav boot of alll time???! HA I even had a dream about them..???! no joke!. soo I woke up with them stuck in my head, & got on Photoshop! and made them come true??. ..well kinda. .!! sooo I put that "my" concept together real quick! . .. outcome NOOO ABOMINATION here!.

WISH upon a star! ;p !.