.. . u saw it.. .!! from the set that looked like a talk show & and a host we were waiting 2 be funny! you can tell America is goin through a recession, if MTV is half steppin & lookin cheap on their "BIGGEST" show!.. . & THAT SPEARS CHICK WINNING AWARDS?!?? (WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? :/ YO IF SHE WAS IN THE HIP HOP VID CATEGORY SHE WOULD HAVE WON!?) her ppl bought those moon men, WHAT SONG, VID, ANYTHING DID SHE HAVE OUT!!?.
ARTIST. In the simplest form.. . finding ways 2 communicate creativity & with this blog i want 2 share ME, my art, my random thought's and idea's.
(Genuine Positivity Pays Off) / (Green, Purple, Pink, Orange)