With who I ask ??! soooo on the 6th of the month.. .like last week, i found myself in somebodys foot locker after work.. . drooling over the Nike Beijing Hyper Dunks.. . i saw them online and in a magazine, and i told myself "self, if you ever see these your gonna get them." So i did !!! & its a GRRRREAT shoe. .. very light on the feet, great cushioning, if i played ball all like that i would definitely ware these, hands down.. . i just feels GOOD.
BUT. after one ware.. . the creased up like i was folding clothes.. . AAAAGGGRRHHH. and i cant do nothing about it! :( i hope they can fix this next go around.. .
ARTIST. In the simplest form.. . finding ways 2 communicate creativity & with this blog i want 2 share ME, my art, my random thought's and idea's.
(Genuine Positivity Pays Off) / (Green, Purple, Pink, Orange)