I really didnt think it was gonna be THAT, THAT funny but the whole theater was in tune and crackin up at every moment! & 2 top it all off 4 me . . . the movie was FREE! not in the fact that someone i was with paid 4 me but in the fact that i FOUND A TICKET 4 the same movie & time, at the ATM 4 tickets ???!!! so i guess someone really did pay 4 me! my card wasnt workin at the machine i went 2, & there it was, like someone just place it every sooo nicely there waitin just 4 ME 2 pick up like i RSVP'd 4 it HA!, i guess that person took the receipt instead ??? well i do THANK U .
ARTIST. In the simplest form.. . finding ways 2 communicate creativity & with this blog i want 2 share ME, my art, my random thought's and idea's.
(Genuine Positivity Pays Off) / (Green, Purple, Pink, Orange)