WOOOOOW...!! i must say GREAT JOB 2 those or who put this 2gether!!! SHITS JUST DOOPE! just kinda went thru it (just NOW!) and i have the biggest grin on my face :) just GREAT! the beats fit like a GLOVE! that ride with those CLASSIC BEATS! (in awwwwwww ! that the REAL 80's baby's can digg! not these 90's high school WANNA BE'S/ no hate but just be real wit it? :/ stick 2 POWER RANGERS & POGS! HAha!) its flawless mix yo....! i was gonna post sumin bout the NEW RE-UP GANG Vol.3, but this just beat it out (sorry) :/ !? in other words this is a great download.... THE COVER SHOULD GET U OFF TOP (4 real, it got me!)
INFO: 2dopeboyz.com
DOWNLOAD: Classic Gangster