yea. 4 me it was or yestrday, well lets take it from the top i was in BAH HUMBUG mood 4 xmas, it just didnt feel like xmas like the years past. didnt think i was gonna get much of anything or anything at all (
i know, i know "thats not what xmas is about"... FUCK THAT! im an olny child !!) but i was thankful 4 family and i did get! (
THANKS ASH!) but really this is about a gift i got... it was some BOOTS.........FUDA ?!........ boots......... FUCK is that...? (
wish i took a pic of them...HAHA) yo i put my foot in them..... and someone (
ASH) says "YO u look like Riley from the Boondocks!!!" LMAO. i was DONE after that! i put them in the box NEVER 2 be warn by me EVER AGAIN!!!
i hate boots ive never liked them, EVER . their jus 2 big, bold and DOFFY LOOKIN... i know ur like dude... its jus boots chill....but i got some NEW KICKS out of it, so i called the store where they were purchase, couldnt get the money back only store cedit! (
thats the HOOD 4 ya) even better!!! its a cool lil spot (
beside the FUDA's) the end result is that i got these 4, 40$ BUCKS... the last 11 and thats my size in SB's, the other size was a ten, that place really dont mess wit SB's at all. MERRY XMAS....!