Keepin myself busy & hype over this new music i havent been posting any 2 none of my "newer" work its, TOP SECRET. ;D but on another note.. . ive got also have a bunch of digital works HERE SOME:
Gotta say, Lu stepped it UP 2 another level lyrical. he just wants us NOT 4get that his THAT DAM NICE. DOWNLOAD IT
Track list: 1. Enemy Of The State: A Love Story/ Intro 2. The National Anthem 3. Turnt Up 4. Fireman (Yoga Flame) 5. L.A.S.E.R.S. Manifesto Interlude 6. Angels (Remix) 7. So Ghetto 8. Say Something 9. Thank You 10. The One 11. Popular Demand
:/ Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I was disappointed, crushed, & SHOCKD! that THIS was the outcome of the next Jordan shoe 2 carry on the legacy.
after lookin at the vid i kinda "like" it (the vid make it look waaay cooler then really is) BUT THAT DAM "WINDOW" MUST GO! MUDERED THE FLOW or whatever kind of flow the shoe had?! !
ARTIST. In the simplest form.. . finding ways 2 communicate creativity & with this blog i want 2 share ME, my art, my random thought's and idea's.
(Genuine Positivity Pays Off) / (Green, Purple, Pink, Orange)